The Best 5 Day Workout Split Routine for Building Muscle & Gains

The Best 5 Day Workout Split Routine for Building Muscle & Gains

RECOVERY METHODS FOR TRAINING 5 DAYS A WEEK The concept of recovery is simple and straightforward, but for many people, it is difficult to follow. The three pillars of recovery are nutrition, hydration and sleep. Remember, muscle growth happens outside of the gym! 1. NUTRITION: If you want to build muscle, you need an abundant … Read more

What is the Most Effective Workout Split for Gaining Muscle and Strength?

best 4 day splits 5 day routines

The importance of training Splits Before discussing the best training splits, it is important to understand why they are crucial for optimal results. A well-designed training session allows for adequate rest and recovery between training sessions, which is essential for muscle growth. By targeting different muscle groups on different days, you can ensure that you … Read more

Types of 5 Day Workout Split: The Best Options for Your Fitness

5 day workout routine types for muscle

What is a 5 Day Workout Split? Before we delve into the different types of 5 day workout splits, let’s first understand what a workout split is. A workout split refers to how you divide your training routine during the week. With a 5-day workout split, you’ll be targeting different muscle groups on each day … Read more