Which One Is Better For Commuting?

Despite an increasing number of people working from home, it is estimated that 79% of people still travel to a workplace. Interestingly, the same survey found that most people still travel to work, a very small percentage take public transport or ride a bicycle.

Until recently, for many, the car was the only viable option. However, in recent years there has been a much greater awareness of environmental issues and this has led to an explosion of interest in electric bicycles. But which is better for your daily journey, the car or the electric bike?

The electric bike option

Electric bikes, especially quality ones like the DiroDi, are an attractive option: there are many pros to using an electric bike and very few cons:

The Pros

  • Better for the environment – An electric bicycle has zero emissions, although it is not necessarily a net zero construction. Using an electric bike for your trip means that you will help save the planet.
  • Improve fitness – Some electric bikes do all the work for you, others just help you, you still need to pedal. Therefore, commuting by electric bike is an excellent way to improve your fitness.
  • time saving – If you work in a city, you already appreciate how frustrating and time-consuming it is to move from one part of the city to another. There is too much traffic. Electric bikes have dedicated lanes and can weave around traffic. You can save a lot of time on your trip
  • Improved Strength – Being in the fresh air and appreciating that you are more vulnerable on a bike than in a car, means that you will be more careful in your way of working. This alert can lead to your workplace and improve your performance.


  • The duration of the journey – The electric bike is an excellent choice for relatively short distances. If your journey is longer then you will be much faster in a car, they travel at a much higher speed
  • Reload / range anxiety – Electric bikes can be just up to one charge. You may find yourself anxious to complete your journey and need to find a charging point near, or in, your office.

Take the car

The car seems like a convenient option. However:

The Pros

  • comfort – No matter how comfortable your electric bike is, a car is probably more comfortable.
  • Good for distance – With a car you don’t have to worry if you have enough cargo to get to your destination. They can be the best option for long trips.
  • It is not affected by the weather – Riding a bike loses some of its appeal when it’s cold, wet, windy, or all three. Bad weather makes no difference if you are in a car.


  • Bad for the environment – The traditional combustion engine emits a large amount of toxins that are harmful to the environment. It is one of the biggest causes of climate change.
  • Cost of running – In recent years, the price of oil, and therefore of fuel, has risen constantly. Your car now costs a lot more to run than it did and this price is likely to continue to rise. It’s not just fuel, you have insurance and maintenance bills to worry about.
  • Additional costs – You can’t park your car in your office like you can with an electric bike. You have to pay for parking, which can be expensive. You also have to deal with traffic jams and you have no way around them if you are late.


While the electric bike is the best option for the environment and your wallet, the decision of which is better, car or electric bike, is a personal one. If you live more than 20 kilometers from your work you may find that the car remains the best option; In all other cases, maybe it’s time to try an electric bike!

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