U Push Pull Legs Routine (PPL) is one of the most effective workout routines you can use to build muscle and gain strength. The push pull legs split workout is focused on the large muscle groups based around these movements. This article is about basic PPL training to get you started. We will add PPL more focused on hypertrophy, endurance and strength and powerlifting.
Regardless of whether you are experienced or just starting your path to fitness, we are going to give you the know how to build and plan your best 3 or 6 day workout split to add muscle and strength.
The most effective mass and strength building routines revolve around well-established splits using barbell exercises, including the best compound movements (squats, bench press, etc.), along with effective isolation movements (bicep curls, etc.) . And yes, with a great diet and cardio to control extra calories. But if you eat clean and control your calories, you need a little less cardio.
The 6-day PPL is not easy and you need some time to adjust to the increased work (and probably more calories). This split is a perfect solution for those who have the time and energy to get what you can get from a PPL routine. If you’ve done a 4-day split, you can move on to the PPL, or try a 5-Day Workout Split or another 5-day routine, like the PHAT Workout Routine.